Thought provoking clips about the continuity of life after physical death based on one family's personal experiences, including precognitive dreams, visions, after-death communications. Dr. Betty J. Kovacs, author of The Miracle of Death, is a credible woman and scholar.
Healing Touch
Melinda Chichester has been in an energy based practice since 2011 and working with hospice patients since 2006.
Healing Touch is a complementary therapy used in conjunction with traditional therapies.
Melinda has been published in several e-periodicals; American Holistic Nurses Association, Sybil Magazine and Energy Magazine. As a steward of Conscious living and dying there is a an increase in beauty, pleasure, contentment and emotional and spiritual support. Her advanced studies and expertise in integrating Healing Touch and advanced Energy Medicine techniques during End-of-Life care allows her to bring deeper meaning and greater comfort to the dying and enriching end-of-life care.